Either two days ago or twenty-five years ago, our country started preparing for a global pandemic. I’ve honestly lost all notion of time at this point. Ha!
But here we are, an uncertain amount of time later, with our children home from school, restaurants shut down, events cancelled, churches changing their methods, doctors issuing new warnings every day, and not one loaf of bread to be found for miles.
While I feel small and insignificant in light of the chaos that is going on, I serve a God Who is bigger than it all. I didn’t want this time to pass without doing what I could to make a difference. Now, I can’t cure the virus or calm all the panic or create toilet paper. I’m even highly doubtful of my bread baking abilities. But I can use my voice and my art to try and shine a light.

So I have created an 8-page digital coloring book filled with hope and trust and faith in Someone bigger than us. My idea for these pages is two-fold. One, your children are now home 24/7 with no outside activities to engage them. (Don’t worry, I included several non-floral designs for the little men in your life.)
Our children are little sponges, and can soak in stress and worry that we think we have hidden. These coloring pages are an activity that they can do that has been steeped in prayer. As they color them, you can use that time to explain the words on each page and what they mean to you. When was the last time you explained “peace” to your four-year-old? Somehow the process of condensing down these big ideas into easily-understandable ones for children makes them come alive in a new way.
That leads me to the second purpose of these pages. I think they would be great for adults of all ages. You can color them with crayons or markers, or you can download them onto your tablet and color them in your favorite art app. The act of coloring is slow and methodical. It is perfect for those of us who have racing, busy minds. Let the time spent filling in each stoke be a time that points you to the Peace Speaker. Think about the words on the page and how they are related to what the Promise Maker has spoken over our lives. Turn off social media for a bit and make something with your own two hands. Give Him an opportunity to speak to you.

This may sound crazy and a bit much to put upon a coloring book, but God has used smaller things to minister to His people before. And we don’t really have time right now to do anything without making God a part of it. We are literally relying on Him for our daily bread in some cities and towns. If we approach Him boldly and expecting to hear from Him, I have no doubt He will meet us there.
(This set of coloring pages is completely free, and don’t worry – I’m not asking for your e-mail either. It’s simply a free gift – no strings attached!) There is a User Guide included in the download link that will hopefully answer any questions you may have about using the coloring pages. I hope it blesses you! And I hope you have some fun!
Love love love it!! Thanks for sharing this!! My ladies here were thrilled ?
Love you ?